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Crown Paints, HGV Electric Charge Points
LED Electrical has supplied all the materials needed to complete the connectivity of Crown Paint’s HGV EV charge points. This bespoke job included high rated 315A switch disconnectors, 120mm 4 core SWA cable, 95mm single core earthing cable, Metpro male…

The Scott Practice, Doncaster
LED Electrical used its healthcare lighting expertise in both designing and supplying lightfittings at The Scott Practice in Doncaster. Premium LED panels and downlights weresupplied which will deliver exceptionally long lifetimes and flicker free lighting across allareas of the healthcare…

Egerton Care Home, Bolton
LED Electrical has supplied and designed the new light fittings for Egerton Care Home. Over500 LED downlights, LED bulkheads, LED battens, LED panels and emergency light fittingswere all supplied. All LED fittings were chosen to balance both the aesthetic and…

Ridgewood High School, Burnley
LED Electrical supplied and designed the lighting solution for Ridgewood High School in Burnley. The solution comprised of over 30 LED panels, LED downlights and emergency lighting. The LED lighting supplied is excellent to control glare and give a great…

DHL Preston
LED Electrical supplied and designed the internal lighting for the new DHL depot in Preston. This included the supply of LED panels, LED downlights, emergency lighting and LED bulkheads. All lighting was selected to minimise glare and enhance comfort for…

Frontier Park, Banbury
LED Electrical designed and supplied the external lighting for units on the Frontier Business Park in Banbury. The root mounted 8m galvanised steel LED lamp posts we supplied are hot-dipped and designed to British industry standards to ensure durability and…